Hi- my name is Brett

I’m a Father, a Realtor and a Roaster.

How did I get here? I’ve been enjoying coffee for a long time. My first job was at a cafe. I’ve worked production, sales and marketing for a local retail coffee brand. And now, I’m here roasting coffee for you (and me)!

This venture has been something I’ve milled around for a while and have been ‘kicking down the road.’ Last year I decided there was no time like the present. What started as a hobby has grown to a small, family-owned coffee roasting company. We’re happy your hear for a taste!

I. LOVE. COFFEE. The taste of a fresh shot, the smell of a chocolatey dark roast, the smell of a natural green bean, the culture, the history, the conversations- I love it. It brings me great pleasure to provide you with a variety of premium products that brew a delicious cup. I drink these coffees, and I hope you will too!

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